Monday, December 10, 2012

New Trimester

It's hard to believe we have begun the second trimester!  The school year seems to be flying by!  The next two weeks of school will be very busy.  This coming Thursday morning, our band students will be preparing at the high school for their winter concert, and Friday morning many of our students will be celebrating their academic success by spending the morning at Three Mile Project.  Next week, the National Junior Honor Society will be involved in a service project at Ridgeview, and our 6th grade advisories will be having pizza parties!

A word about the pizza parties.  Sixth grade advisories will be holding pizza parties on Friday,
December 21.  Students wishing to eat pizza must turn in $3. to their advisory teacher by FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14.  This will allow our local Dominoes to order enough supplies. This business is giving us a great deal on pizza and has agreed to deliver them for free!   The $3. will cover the cost of a couple of slices of pizza, soda, and  paper products.  Students who do not wish to eat pizza may eat their regular lunch or bring a sack lunch from home.

I would also like to thank all the families that contributed to our Box Tops for Education collection.  The money we make from projects like this often helps to cover the costs of guest speakers and other special events. 

Lastly, I would like to send along my good wishes to each of you for a happy and healthy holiday season.  Merry Christmas!

Lesson Plans for the Weeks of December 10-December 21

Sixth Grade -We will be working on our argumentative writing skills.  We will practice writing claims and gathering evidence to support those claims.  We will also learn how to use Thinking Maps to organize our ideas.  If all goes according to plan, we will write an argumentative paragraph in class on Thursday, December 20 as a formative assessment. 

Seventh Grade - We will be working on learning the correct way to cite sources in text.  We will also work on our paraphrasing and note taking skills.  If all goes as planned, we will take a formative assessment on these three skills Thursday, December 20.