Monday, November 12, 2012

Conferences, Part 2

Sparta Middle School will hold its second night of conferences this week.  The Book Fair will be open in the library at this time.  Student-led conferences will be held Tuesday, November 13 from 4:00-6:30 pm.  Sixth graders will meet in the gym and seventh graders will meet in the cafeteria.  I will be located in the gym.  Parents, if you are unable to come to conferences, please ask your child to bring home his/her conference materials to review with you.  Also,  as always, feel free to send me an email if you have any questions or concerns.

We are currently collecting Box Tops for Education, Coke Rewards points, and Campbell labels.  The NJHS is sponsoring an advisory competition.  The advisory that collects the most points wins a pizza party.  The points will be used to sponsor activities that support Sparta Middle School.  The competition ends at the end of November, but you can continue to send in labels all year.  Thanks for your help!

Lesson Plans

Sixth Grade
Sixth graders will continue to work on argumentative writing.  We will focus on the differences between argumentative writing and persuasive writing, including separating fact from opinion.  We will also practice writing claims, topic sentences and thesis statements.

Continue to read at least 20 minutes every night for homework this week, and make sure you are filling out your ORANGE reading log.  Some students will be asked to adjust their reading goals this week.  Our booktalk assignment is coming soon.  Students must have completed the book of their choice by November 23.

Seventh Grade
Seventh graders will continue to work on ways to avoid plagiarism.  We will practice paraphrasing and citing our sources.

Continue to read at least 20 minutes every night for homework this week, and make sure you are filling out your ORANGE reading log.  Some students will be asked to adjust their reading goals this week.  Our booktalk assignment is coming soon.  Students must have completed the book of their choice by November 23.