Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

As you know, this is a very short week for students.  I hope your family is able to take advantage of the extra time off from school and make some holiday memories together.  Perhaps the students will come back with new stories to write about! I have much to be thankful for and that includes working in a school that cares about kids, working with parents who are supportive, and most of all, working with students who want to learn.  I am truly blessed.  My wish for you this Thanksgiving is that you experience the same level of blessing.

A word about booktalks...
The first booktalk of the year for both my 6th and 7th graders will begin Tuesday, November 27.  Students have a rubric in their binders and it is also posted in the Homework Help section of the blog.  This first booktalk is a pretest.  That means that I am gathering data about what the students know and can do before being taught.  There is information in the rubric that the students don't know.  I have tried to reassure them that this is just like taking a written pretest and the grade will not count in their overall grade. 

Here are a few common questions the students have been asking...
* Does this affect my grade?  No.  It is a pretest.  The score will be posted, but it will not be included in the final grade.
* Do I have to memorize this?  No.  Students may choose to write out the entire booktalk on paper or use note cards.
*Will everyone go on Tuesday?  No, but everyone must be prepared to present.  I will start by taking volunteers, but once students stop volunteering, I will start pulling sticks to choose the order of presenters.
*May I use a book I've already read?  Yes.  Right now I'm just looking to see what the students already know about public speaking and plot.  They may use any narrative book they have ever read.
*May I use any book?  No.  The book must be a narrative (tells a story).  It may not be an informational book.

Lesson Plans for November 19-November 30

All make-up work is due for both grades by the end of the day on Wednesday, November 28.  The marking period ends on Friday, November 30.

6th Grade
Students will write and present booktalks at the beginning of the week.  Once booktalks have been completed, we will return to our work with argumentative writing, focusing on claims and reasons.

7th Grade
Students will write and present booktalks at the beginning of the week.  Once booktalks have been completed, we will begin to practice paraphrasing the work of others in order to use the information in our own writing.